Staying Connected - Building resilience through maintaining connections with self & others

The fog of uncertainty sometimes leads us to retreat and disconnect. So I’m thinking of ways we can gently reach into ourselves and out to others.

The purpose of this list is not to overwhelm you with ‘shoulds’ and expectations! Choose what is helpful to you and your circumstances, and whatever feels safe and empowering to do at the moment.

This is a 3-part series, so make sure you check out the links to the other 2 resources: Staying True and Staying Grounded.

TIP: You can save the images below and use these steps whenever you need.

Attune to yourself

Listen to your body and what it might need to shift: meds / water / food / movements / toilet break / shower / moisturising (with all the antibacterial we’re going through!)

Reconnect with your values

Reconnect with your values and try to get creative about how you can enact them in these circumstances, whether with your needs, hobbies, relationships or community.

Have that virtual drink / meal / catch up!

If you have access to them, use video apps. It makes a difference to see someone else’s facial expressions and hear their voice. Especially in a group – which can invite some much needed humour & silliness.

Attune to others

If you need to go out, show kindness & care from a distance to others in times of panic and worry. When at home, check out initiatives to help community members.

Connect long distance

Get in touch with elderly folks in isolation, family members interstate or overseas. It always helps to feel remembered.

Check in via text message

Who else could use some words of support and solidarity from you?

Share your process

Share snapshots or videos of moments from your day: A dish you made. A book. A playlist. A board-game. A podcast. A show. An activity with your kids. We could all use ideas!

What are you doing to stay connected these days? Share in the comments section below.
We could all use ideas!