Staying True to Your Experience - Acknowledging & staying true to your process & experience

The isolation experience is bringing up all kinds of challenges in the roles I take on as a carer, sibling, art therapist, business owner, community member, employee -  you name it. So I thought I’d share some things I’m telling myself and others with you.

The purpose of this list is not to overwhelm you with ‘shoulds’ and expectations! Choose what is helpful to you and your circumstances, and whatever feels safe and empowering to do at the moment.

This is a 3-part series, so make sure you check out the links to the other 2 resources: Staying Grounded and Staying Connected.

TIP: You can save the images below and use these steps whenever you need.

Don’t Bully Yourself

Acknowledge how you feel without adding layers of judgement. This experience is new to a lot of us and we’re figuring it out as we go.

Acknowledge Difference of Experience

Try not to fall in the trap of comparing your process with others on the internet. We all need different things at different times and have different coping mechanisms. What you need now, is valid.

Allow Feelings

Allow feelings to come, and guide them through in a way that releases and reduces harm to yourself - & to others.

Rest If You Need

Time at home doesn’t have to be about productivity. Find different ways of resting: gardening, cooking, watching, reading, listening, naps, meditating, looking out the window, lightening distractions.

You’re The Authority On Your Experience

Adapting to our needs involves experimenting and reframing the experience to cope with it. This will look different for everyone. What does this experience mean to you

Ask For Help

We all deserve to have space held for us as we travel through this. If you need ideas or a sounding board for your experience, please reach out.

What are some reminders you’ve had to create or put on repeat these days?
Share them in the comments section. We could all use ideas!